I am a director, author and producer from Berlin. I develop, write, direct and produce films and theater plays while my subjects are as various as my fields of work. I want to bring poetry into drama and make magic moments visible even on the darkest sides. Here on this page you will find some examples of my work. Have a good time!


Im Rahmen des Berliner Filmfestivals PRENZLAUER BERGINALE wird der Dokumentarfilm POESIE DES UNTERGRUNDS am 24. September um 19:30 Uhr im Filmtheater Friedrichshain gezeigt. Der große Saal ist ausverkauft, doch am 25. September gibt es eine Wiederholungsveranstaltung. Dafür gibt es noch Karten: https://www.prenzlauerberginale.berlin.

As part of the Berlin film festival PRENZLAUER BERGINALE, the documentary POESIE DES UNTERGRUNDS will be shown on September 24 at 7:30 pm at the Filmtheater Friedrichshain (FaF). The large auditorium is sold out, but there will be a repeat screening on September 25. Tickets are still available: https://www.prenzlauerberginale.berlin.